Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Has the Earth Stopped Wobbling?

An astonishing thing happened on January 8, 2006: The Earth stopped wobbling. At least that is what some people are claiming. Now, this is not something to get freaked out about because even if the wobble has stopped it has little immediate impact on our lives (I'm sure none of you even noticed we weren't wobbling).

During the broadcast of Coast to Coast AM on January 28, 2006, Lloyd Stewart Carpenter said that the Earth's wobble had paused. Agreeing with this theory, Michael Mandeville gives two possible explanations on his website for the cause of this change, but he admits that there is no evidence as of yet to support his theories. A Wikipedia article claims, "This is however completely unfounded speculation as the actual recorded data shows no indication that the wobble has stopped." There is no mention of stopping or pausing on the website of the International Earth Rotation & Reference Systems Service where Michael Mandeville claims to get his data from.

I feel that it is worth noting that many of the websites claiming the Earth has stopped wobbling seem to be related to paranormal discussions in one way or another. The "Coast to Coast AM" program is airing an interview this Friday relating to John Titor, self proclaimed time traveler from the year 2036. He supposedly visited our time between November, 2000 through March, 2001. Unfortunately for him he missed the Time Travel Convention at MIT on May 7, 2005. He probably chose not to come back in 2005 due to the Civil War he said we were going to have...

Whether the Earth's wobble (aka Chandler's Wobble) has paused or not it is interesting to think of what could happen if it does.

The significance of a pause in Chandler's Wobble is that it is tied into claims that the Earth's poles may shift sometime in the near future. Most scientists agree that it is at least possible and that it has happened in the past, but that's hardly a reason to start looking at real estate in Antarctica. Unless of course you're into psychics and the like, in which you case you may want to check out several sites including Edgar Cayce's A.R.E., Ruth Montgomery's 1979 Earth Changes Prophecy, and the best one - Zeta Talk - where aliens (the Zetas) are "assisting this planet and it’s people in the transformation from 3rd to 4th density. This Transformation is happening now, and will be completed sometime after the passage of the 12th Planet, and the resulting Pole Shift that this passage will cause."

There are two ways in which a shift in the Earth's poles could occur:

An axial shift in which the Earth’s crust slides around its molten core. This type of shift would change the location of the planets rotational axis relative to the land masses. It is said that this could happen by a few degrees or by many degrees. The Artic could move to the equator and the Amazon might move to one of the poles. Obviously the effect of such changes would be catastrophic. Aside from sunny beaches becoming frozen tundra, icebergs could melt, and major earthquakes/volcanoes could result.

A shift of the magnetic poles without affecting the rotational axis of the Earth. Contrary to how it's named, the North Pole is not actually magnetic north. This magnetic pole is not fixed and can move. Some scientists feel fairly certain that it has shifted by as much as 180 degrees several times in the past. This type of shift would most likely have much less affect on life on Earth (aside from boyscouts getting lost in the woods), although the homing instincts of some animals could be affected (such as migratory birds).

Of course, there has been no evidence to suggest this will for sure happen, let alone anytime soon, but rather that it is "possible".

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